Children and Youth

Youth in Action! Gather – Grow – Go!


Church School
Baptisms and Christenings
Confirmation Program
Vacation Bible School/ Day Camp
Youth Choir And Children’s Handbells Choir
Youth Ministry
Children’s Nursery
Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts
Community Service Opportunities
College Prep Events
Scholarship Committee

Church School


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness
- Galatians 5:22

Through reading, videos, discussions, and other activities, students will learn and practice ways to work joyfully for justice within their family, school, church, and community.

The Church School meeting will provide Bible learning and activities to introduce age-appropriate topics related to justice and equality for all.

Instruction will introduce topics, guide thinking, and suggest activities from which to choose for the rest of the week.

Church School Meetings will be held Monthly on 2nd and 4th Sunday in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 – 11:15 a.m.

Baptisms and Christenings

The sacraments of Baptism and Christening are celebrated at Peoples Church within a Community of Believers who stand in unity and faith with the families of the celebrants.

Confirmation Program

Confirmation, the affirmation of baptism, is a rite of the Church that occurs during public worship. When the youth of our Church reach adolescence (at or about age 12 or the 6th grade level), he/she is eligible for Confirmation.

During Confirmation, the participants (who are known as Confirmands) learn about the Christian faith. Our Confirmation curriculum is designed to equip the Confirmands with an overall understanding of the Bible and its teachings; and to provide them with a foundation upon which to begin or continue their spiritual journey. Upon completion of the class work and assignments of the Confirmands, there is a Service of Confirmation, which traditionally takes place on Pentecost Sunday, during the 10:00 a.m. Church Service.

During the Service of Confirmation, the Confirmands profess his/her willingness to affirm baptism and the congregation promises to be supportive of the Confirmands in their continuing journey of faith. If baptism has not taken place, the Service of Confirmation includes a Service of Baptism. Upon Confirmation, the Confirmands become full members of our Church.

Submit Questions or Comments to:

Confirmation Brochure
Confirmation Registration


August 5 – 9, 2024
Love God, Love Your Neighbor VBS
Campers | 4 – 12 years

Our VBS is a week-long day camp full of bible stories, music, art, exercise, field trips, gardening, service projects, and more.
Campers will discover God’s love and practice sharing that love with others in our community, city, nation, and the world.

Program | Schedule | Fees
Before Care | 8:00 - 9:00 am | Free!
VBS Camp |9:00 am – 5:00 pm | $100 by June 30 / $125 after June 30
After Care |5:00 pm – 5:45 pm | $25
Visit VBS Love God, Love Your Neighbor for program details. Contact for scholarship requests or other VBS

Youth Counselors | Ages 13 – 18 years
Youth counselors support VBS while earning service hours and work experience. Use the registration site to apply as a youth counselor.

VBS Volunteers | Adults 18+ years
We are always looking for adults to help our VBS program. Volunteer tasks include preparing materials, leading an activity, chaperoning or teaching a class. We welcome help for a couple of hours, a day or all week. Anyone interacting with the campers must complete a background clearance. Use the registration site to register as a VBS volunteer.

Youth Choir And Children’s Handbells Choir
The Youth Choir and Children’s Handbell Choir provide Children and Youth ages 4-18 with knowledge of music as presented through the playing of musical instruments, listening and singing. Aids in the development of youth voices to make a joyful noise to the Lord while giving Him glory, honor and praise.

Youth Ministry

The Virtual Youth Ministry meets on the 2nd & 4th Sunday each month from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.; and invites all Youth in grades 7th – 12th to participate.

Students and teachers must register to get access to the private Zoom link and other information.

Children’s Nursery
Nursery Services are provided for children ages 2-5 years old during the 10:00 a.m. Worship Service; and for Special Events and Liturgical Services that occur on week days.
Boy Scouts
The Boy Scout program provides opportunities to develop young people into citizens and provide outdoor and community experience.

Cub Scouts 5 -10 years
Boy Scouts 11-18 years

Troop 544 organized and executed a service project to help the homeless. The Scouts collected hand warmers, hats, gloves, soap, wipes and hand sanitizer and packed 50 individual Blessing Bags. The Scouts distributed the Blessing Bags at Franklin Square on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday on January 20, 2020. The Scouts demonstrated a Day On; and not a Day Off with their Service Project!

Girl Scouts

The Girl Scout program builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.

On October 4, 2019, Senior Girl Scout Troop 1451 volunteered to assemble care packages for 36 college students whose parents are incarcerated. Troop 1451 donated all of the items that went into the care packages including such items as post-it notes, pens, pencils, highlighters, paper clips, granola bars and lollipops. The Girl Scouts included encouraging notes to the students.

The troop partnered with ScholarCHIPS, an organization founded by a former Peoples Church Girl Scout, who provides scholarships and other assistance to youth attending college whose parents are incarcerated. The scouts’ participation in this project was inspired by Peoples ongoing commitment to returning citzens and their families.

50th Anniversary Girl Scout Sunday Program Booklet

  • ^Daisy Girl Scouts
  • ^Brownie Girl Scouts
  • ^Junior Girl Scouts
  • ^Cadette Girl Scouts
  • ^Senior Girl Scouts
  • ^Ambassador Girl Scouts
  • ^Kindergarten & 1st grades
  • ^2nd & 3rd grades
  • ^4th & 5th grades
  • ^6th, 7th & 8th grades
  • ^9th & 10th grades
  • ^11th & 12th grades
Community Service Opportunities

Peoples Church Food Pantry
Martha’s Table
Hope Garden Maintenance
Tutoring and Mentoring
UCC National Youth Event
Vacation Bible School/Day Camp Youth Counselor

Youth Counselor Application

College Prep Events
College Financial Aid Workshops
College Application Preparation
Returning College Students’ Rap Sessions with H.S. Seniors

Scholarship Committee

Scalarship Due Date
April 19, 2024 at 5:00 p.m

The Scholarship Committee shall administer the scholarship program of the Church. It shall develop and determine criteria, unless otherwise specified for designated gifts, for awarding of scholarships, book grants and the like, and oversee the application process, select the recipients and determine the amount of each award.