
Social and Racial Justice Ministry

Worship Service Ministry
Ushers and Greeters
Each Guest or Congregant who enters the church building on Sunday or for other Liturgical Services is welcomed by the Greeters.
Greeters are the first friendly faces you meet when you walk into the church building for each Worship Service. They greet and gather information from visitors, and encourage visitors to make Peoples Congregational their church home.
The Ushers and Greeters Guild is comprised of Senior Ushers, Youth Ushers, Acolytes, Greeters and Emeritus Ushers. The Ushers have the responsibility of preparing the Sanctuary for worship each Sunday and for other Liturgical Services. The Guild ensures that Members and Visitors are made to feel welcomed and are prepared for worship.
Also, Ushers assist with collection of the offering. The Ushers and Greeters Guild serve as the official Doorkeepers of the Church.
“For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than live in the tents of wickedness.” (Psalm 84:10 NRSV)
Board of Deacons
The Board of Deacons assists the Ministers in the administration of the Lord’s Supper and visits the sick; supports members; provides for the supply of the pulpit when necessary; assists the needy; and participates in the spiritual care of the Church.

Music and Praise Ministry
in worship and community outreach.
and Gospel Music Performance Practice: A Dual Curriculum that Bridges the Cultural Divide”.
Dr. Jefferson earned his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Maryland College Park. Among many notable accomplishments, Dr. Jefferson served and performed with the U.S. Air Force Pacific Air Command Ensemble, the Soldiers’ Chorus of the U.S. Army Field Band, the Houston Grand Opera, and directed the Yokota Inspirational Gospel Choir, Japan.
Adult Choir
The Adult Choir worships and praises through diverse music genres of the highest caliber to enhance the worship experience across all generations within the Community of Faith; and provides musical arrangements for special and liturgical seasons of the Church year.
Rhythmic Choir
The Rhythmic Choir provides the opportunity for children and adults to praise God through liturgical dance.
Peoples Jazz Society
The Peoples Jazz Society provides members with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of jazz through the provision of performances by Guest Artists and seminars/workshops; provides opportunities for youth to not only become more knowledgeable about jazz music but also to improve their skills through classroom instruction and actual performances; and provides financial support for the Jazz Vespers Program and other noteworthy programs associated with the promotion of jazz at Peoples Church.

Cultural and Historical Ministry
Music and Arts Committee
The Music and Arts Committee shall assist the Senior Minister in planning and coordinating the music and arts ministries of the Church. It shall catalogue and conserve the works of art within the Church. The Director of Worship shall be an Ex-officio member of this Committee.
Archives Committee
The Archives Committee preserves the rich history and tradition of Peoples Congregational United Church of Christ. The Committee seeks to maintain historical documents that will be available for both current and future generations to enhance understanding and appreciation for our heritage.

Fellowship Ministry
Men’s Fellowship
The Men’s Fellowship organizes men of all ages of the Church; encourages fellowship and cooperation between organizations and the men of other Interfaith organizations; and provides assistance to the Ministers.
Women’s Fellowship
The Women’s Fellowship organizes women of all ages of the Church; encourages fellowship and cooperation between organizations and the women of other Interfaith organizations; and provides assistance to the Ministers.

Health and Healing Ministry
Wellness Ministry
The Wellness Ministry utilizes a proactive, preventative approach designed to achieve optimum levels of health, social wellness and emotional wellness while advocating for increased knowledge of self-care to maximize personal responsibility. The Wellness Ministry will sponsor information, resources and activities to assist members of Peoples Church and our surrounding neighbors to achieve optimal health and wellness.
The Wellness Ministry provides leadership to church members to promote a wellness lifestyle:
to prevent illness; to ease the burden of chronic disease; and to instill confidence in the ability to take a leadership role to improve one’s own health.
“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body.”
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NRSV)

Emergency and Preparedness Ministry
Emergency Preparedness Committee
The Emergency Preparedness Committee informs Church members and visitors of emergency preparations necessary to protect them in cases of emergencies. Provides procedures from the Wellness Ministry and the Emergency Preparedness Committee for members and visitors to follow in case of natural and/or adversarial disasters. Conducts periodic evacuation drills to assist members and visitors to be aware of exit procedures in the event of an emergency.

Birth Month Clubs Ministry
Council of Circles and Clubs
The Council of Circles and Clubs shall consist of the President or Chairperson of each Circle, Club or other church organization. At its first meeting of each church year, the Council shall elect its Chairperson, who shall serve until replaced by subsequent vote of the Council. The Council of Circles and Clubs shall develop criteria for the establishment of any organization formed within the Church. The Council shall coordinate the efforts and schedule of events of the various Circles and Clubs of the Church in furtherance of the mission of the Church. It shall be responsible for scheduling the Sunday coffee hours, assisting the individual groups in the production and promotions of their programs, and shall endeavor to integrate members into the life of the church through participation with the Circles and Clubs.

Circles Ministry
Balcony Circle
The Balcony Circle is an organization of the Church that was conceived to support expanded fellowship among Church members. It was originally comprised of members who sat in the Church balcony. Over the years, its membership has grown to include a broad cross section of members throughout the Church.
The mission of the Balcony Circle is to encourage Christian fellowship among its membership; and to respond to Church needs. This includes activities, such as, supporting Church high school graduates with college send-off gifts, providing interior signage for the Church and supporting the Multimedia Ministry. The fundraising events of the Balcony Circle support these activities and others. The Balcony Circle is responsive to requests from the Church leadership.
Camellia Circle
The Camellia Circle provides flowers and plants for the altar weekly; and decorates the altar and Sanctuary during major holidays such as Palm Sunday, Easter and Christmas and cares for the plants in the atrium and balcony areas of the Church and Memorial Garden.
Hospitality Circle
The Hospitality Circle serves as a welcoming group to new church members and provides support, as necessary, with other activities in the Church.
Hospitality Circle Annual Rupert B. Clark Service Award
Rupert B. Clark Service Award Nomination Form
Music Aid Circle
The Music Aid Circle exposes the Church membership and the community at large to performing arts, with classical music as our primary area of concentration; Music Aid Circle was initially organized for the purpose of providing full support for the Chancel.
Progressive Circle
The Progressive Circle serves as one of the earliest clubs formed at the request of Rev. Dr. Arthur Fletcher Elmes in 1953. He gathered 25 newly joined members and requested that they form the Progressive Circle to support Church activities through stewardship and friendship. This very active Circle raises funds for the church by sponsoring trips and other social events.
Scrooby Circle
The Scrooby Circle fosters Christian values whereby adults can get together in social atmospheres of fellowship activities and further facilitate the goals of Peoples Church.
Variety Circle
The Variety Circle promotes the religious, civic and social advancement of the ministry of the Church and cooperate with other persons and organizations to ensure the success of programs designed to serve the Church and the entire community.

Leisure Group Senior Ministry
Leisure Group
The Leisure Group provides recreational opportunities for persons with leisure time to develop friendships; participates in activities applicable to senior citizens and supports programs of the Church agreed upon by the membership.
Board of Christian Social Action
The Board of Christian Social Action is responsible for relating the message of our Christian Gospel to the total society on local, national and international levels; promotes a program of education and action in the Church and cooperates with other committees or organizations in the mission of Christian Social Action. Collaborates with the Ministers and other participants to achieve its objectives.
Evangelism and Outreach Committee
The Evangelism and Outreach Committee assists in the promotion of the growth of the membership of the Church; provides opportunities for and encourages full participation of persons who are already members of the Congregation. The Committee develops avenues for deepening the spiritual life of each member. In addition, the Committee cooperates with other Interfaith communities for missions within and outside of the Church. The Committee is responsible for promoting a program of missionary education in the Church.