Church Council
- ^The Church Council shall be the Executive Body of this Church. It shall maintain general oversight of all the activities of the Church, plan prayerfully for the Church’s future and provide a forum for communication among the various committees and officers.
- ^The Church Council shall govern the Church between meetings of the Governing Body and shall advise the Senior Minister with regard to the needs, policies and activities of the Church.
- ^The Church Council shall consist of the Moderator, Church Clerk, Chairpersons of the Board of Deacons, the Board of Trustees, the Board of Christian Education, the Board of Christian Social Action, Council of Circles and Clubs, the Men’s Fellowship and the Women’s Fellowship and nine (9) at-large members.
- ^An Executive Committee of the Church Council consisting of the Moderator, the Chairpersons of the Board of Deacons and the Board of Trustees and two (2) at-large members elected by the Church Council shall act on urgent matters between meetings of the Church Council.
- ^The Senior Minister, the Senior Associate Minister, the Moderator-Elect, the Financial Secretary and the Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of the Church Council. The Senior Minister and the Senior Associate Minister shall also be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.
- ^The Church Council shall consult with the Board of Trustees on any matter involving the property and finances of the Church and on any matter involving a contract or an agreement between the Church and another party valued at $5000.00 or more.
- ^The Church Council must approve the purchase, sale or encumbrance of any personal property valued at$50,000 or more and give preliminary approval to any proposal by the Trustees to purchase, sell or encumber any real estate prior to referring the matter to the Governing Body for final action.
- ^The Church Council shall hold monthly meetings from September through June and at any other time called by the Moderator.
- ^Members of the Church Council At-Large must have held membership in the Church for three years.
- ^The Moderator, with the approval of a majority of the Church Council, shall appoint the following Committees and any other Committees it deems necessary to carry out its mission:
Nominating Committee
- ^Mission and Purpose. The Nominating Committee shall propose a slate of Officers, Church Council members, Board members, Standing Committee members, and Delegates and present the slate of nominees to the Governing Body for election. The Nominating Committee shall develop and periodically update the rules which, upon approval of the Church Council, shall govern all election procedures.
- ^Process. The Nominating Committee shall obtain the consent of each nominee and present the slate to the Church Council no later than its May meeting. Upon approval by the Church Council, the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee, or his or her designee, shall present the slate of nominees to the Governing Body for election.
- ^Composition. The Nominating Committee shall consist of nine (9) members, serving staggered three-year terms. One third of the members of the committee shall be appointed annually to serve a three (3) year term beginning on the first day of November of the year of their appointment. Annually, the Moderator shall appoint one member, with the approval of a majority of the Church Council, to serve as its Chairperson for a one-year term beginning the first day of November.
- ^Term Limits. Members of the Nominating Committee may serve no more than two consecutive full three-year terms of office. After completion of two consecutive three-year terms, a member shall be ineligible to serve on the Nominating Committee for the next three years. The Chairperson may be reappointed annually for so long as he or she is eligible to serve on the Nominating Committee.
Personnel Committee
- ^Mission and Purpose. The Personnel Committee shall maintain fair and comprehensive policies and procedures with respect to persons employed by the Church.
- ^Process. The Personnel Committee shall: – Develop a Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual (Personnel Manual), which upon approval by the Church Council, shall govern all personnel policies and procedures of the Church;- periodically review, pursuant to the provisions of the Personnel Manual, the performance of all members of the Church staff;- recommend appropriate personnel actions, in accordance with the terms of the Personnel Manual; and- annually review and periodically recommend to the Church Council and Governing Body, appropriate updates to the Personnel Manual.
- ^Composition. The Personnel Committee shall consist of six (6) members, serving staggered three-year terms. One third of the members of the committee shall be appointed annually to serve a three (3) year term beginning on the first day of November of the year of their appointment. Annually, the Moderator shall appoint one member, with the approval of a majority of the Church Council, to serve as its Chairperson for a one-year term beginning the first day of November.
- ^Term Limits. Members of the Personnel Committee may serve no more than two consecutive full three-year terms of office. After completion of two consecutive three-year terms, a member shall be ineligible to serve on the Personnel Committee for the next three years. The Chairperson may be reappointed from year to year for so long as he or she is eligible to continue to serve on the Committee.
Pastoral Search Committee
- ^The Pastoral Search Committee shall be responsible for conducting searches for the Senior Minister, the Senior Associate Minister and other called Ministers, as needed. Subject to the guidelines of the United Church of Christ, the Committee shall seek candidates for the vacancy. The Committee shall state the contractual terms of the relationship in the Call and advertisement. The Committee shall consist of at least nine (9) but not more than thirteen (13) members of the Church, chosen to be representative of the Congregation. The Senior Minister shall be an
- ^Ex-Officio member of the Pastoral Search Committee when the Committee is appointed to search for a Senior Associate Minister or other called Ministers. The Pastoral Search Committee shall recommend a candidate to the Church Council.